Our History Looking Back
Zeltenreich Reformed Church is a story of two churches merging together as one. The original Zeltenreich was established in the 1740s as a German Reformed Church. In the 20th century, it experienced numerical decline, which coincided with its departure from its Reformed heritage. On June 12, 2005, Covenant Reformed Church was planted under Rev. Stephen Arrick. By God's grace, the congregation grew, and they sought a permanent place of worship. Eventually, the two groups met and ended up merging as one. They joined the URCNA and adopted the name Zeltenreich, desiring to recover its Reformed heritage.
For more details on Zeltenreich’s past history see here.
For more details on the merger process see here.
Our Story Continues On
We now seek to continue to grow; in Christian maturity, in number, and in understanding what it means to be a Reformed church.
On Sundays we have worked through a number of books of the Bible – I John, Psalms, Daniel, wisdom literature, Luke, and more. During our evening service, we have been going through the Heidelberg Catechism. We consider the basic doctrines of the Christian faith, the core truths of the Bible. We continue to use a liturgy that follows an ancient pattern of worship and sing some wonderful Psalms and Hymns (old and new).
We also gather together each Sunday morning for Sunday School, where we’ve learned about church history, the canons of dort, and many other creeds and confessions. The second Sunday of each month, we also have a fellowship meal after the morning service. Feel free to join us for this day of worship!
We have fellowship opportunities throughout the week, as well. We have a men’s study & women’s study that meet regularly, and a midweek prayer group. These are wonderful contexts for us to get to know each other and to encourage one another in the Christian life.
Please, consider becoming a part of our unfolding story. You can do this by praying for us or coming for a visit.